Getting out of the postcard #1 the shade house, Marseille
AUDITORIUM AGOSTINHO SILVA | November 24th, 19:15 | La Compagnie des Embruns production
A SHORT MOVIE BY Natacha Cyrulnik | UMR 7061 PRISM, Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music | Aix-Marseille University – CNRS
Natacha Cyrulnik is a documentary filmmaker and a qualified lecturer at the University of Aix-Marseille, where she is responsible for the master’s degree in «production and filmmaking» in the Satis department (Sciences, Arts and Technique of Image and Sound) and a member of the UMR Prism (Perception, Representations, Image, Sound, Music) with the CNRS.

Weather-World Harps Art Installation
AUDITORIUM AGOSTINHO SILVA | November 24th and 25th,
by Ivo Louro | Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia (CIUHCT) FCT NOVA
The Weather-World Harps are an air pollution sonification system. Six electric gui- tars are actuated by motors and sustainers. Expressions played by the mecha- nisms depend on the levels of different pollutants as measured by air quality sen- sors in the system. Together they express an evolving composition that captures the «weather-world», i.e. the atmospheric rhythms of a place.


A r c h i t e c t u r e p u t t o t h e t e s t o f u s e s a n d s e n s e s
International workshop on research in architecture for doctoral students
Hybrid Workshop in Research Methodology
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